Why Should I Volunteer?
“How can I possibly find the time to volunteer at the school? Don’t I pay enough taxes to operate the school? Do they think I am made out of money? What can I do at the school that someone else can’t already do better?” If you have asked yourself even one of the previous questions about the call to volunteer, please read on!
Volunteering is important for all of us! It is a meaningful way for us to demonstrate our interest in and commitment to our children. Each of us is limited to a 24 hour day and finding the time to volunteer can be a challenge, but what better way can we show our children that they matter most to us than to devote some measure of our most precious commodities: our time and ourselves? Yes, the school can operate on its existing budget without us; but remember, it isn’t just about getting by; it’s about getting the best. And, no, we do not need to expend any additional dollars to volunteer; resources are allocated to the various volunteer efforts to cover the expenses of any given activity. And finally, yes, there may be others who are able to do the task that you can do, but if they all think that someone else will do it and do it better, it won’t get done! We need many hands on tasks. We can lighten the load for the whole group. Volunteering encourages our staff, faculty and children by showing our support of them. It is a powerful sight to see a group of volunteers lined up with smiles on their faces just ready to lend a hand to an activity! Volunteers at Clark High School are all about the kids!
A volunteer can be many things including a role model for students, an extra set of helping hands at school, a person with a special talent or interest, a judge for a competition, an extra pair of eyes to ensure student safety, a visible means of support for teachers and staff, or countless other things, but one thing is certain, a volunteer is a tangible sign of commitment to your child’s overall well-being.
Clark High School
523 W. Spring Creek Pkwy
Plano, TX 75023
President: Keri Lawrence
- Monday, January 20
- Tuesday, January 21
- Thursday, January 23
- Tuesday, January 28
- Tuesday, February 4
- Monday, February 17
- Tuesday, February 18
Remember to complete your volunteer background check through the PISD/VOLY. It must be renewed every year on or after July 1.