How do I Volunteer?
To volunteer at any school in the Plano Independent School District, an individual must complete a Criminal History Background Check. This process may be completed on-line at Once at the website, select the Volunteer Application and follow the procedures contained therein. Remember, a volunteer must renew this application each school year. The new application is available starting July 1st of each year. After you complete the application, you may log back in to the Volunteer Application at to check your own status. Please allow two days to two weeks for clearance status to appear.
The next step is to sign up for whatever volunteer opportunities that interest you located on this website. It will identify your interests in volunteering and help us get you connected with the coordinator for that effort. You may volunteer for more than one area of interest if you like, and you may discuss any time limitations with the coordinator when he/she contacts you about your interest.
“Raptor in” at the front office before going to your assignment. This important step must be completed every time you work at the school. The first time you volunteer at the school, bring your driver’s license or state issued I.D. card to the front office. It will be scanned into the Raptor system. A volunteer badge will be issued and the school will have a record of who is in the building. Wear the badge in a highly visible place — not one that is covered by long hair, jackets, etc. Return the badge to the front office before you leave. A new badge will be issued each time you volunteer at the school, but once in the system, you will not need to present your ID again.
Sign IN and OUT on the Volunteer Log located at the front desk. If you are new to volunteering, you may create a page for yourself by taking a blank form from the back of the book and inserting it in alphabetical order in the volunteer section. Your volunteer hours are tracked so that PISD may apply for a sponsored grant. This grant gives money to PISD based on the number of volunteer hours recorded. Those dollars are returned to the various campuses through PISD sponsored projects. This means that your hours are effectively twice as valuable to us – both in service and in $$$!
Please remember to be on time to any schedule commitment that you make; contact the coordinator or the front office if a problem keeping your schedule arises. Always wear appropriate clothing for the activity that you are doing and keep it in line with the school dress code.
That’s all there is to it! We look forward to working with you soon!
Clark High School
523 W. Spring Creek Pkwy
Plano, TX 75023
President: Keri Lawrence
- Monday, January 20
- Tuesday, January 21
- Thursday, January 23
- Tuesday, January 28
- Tuesday, February 4
- Monday, February 17
- Tuesday, February 18
Remember to complete your volunteer background check through the PISD/VOLY. It must be renewed every year on or after July 1.